Inexplicably lost all my lyrics
Ignoring the fact that this app is riddled with bugs and crashes with the frequency of a Malaysian flight, I foolishly decided to continue using it for storing my lyrics. I, at one point, had an upwards of 20 songs stored in this app. Foolish indeed, as one day without warning or even the slightest indication that something was awry, my entire collection of writings vanished without a trace, leaving not a single recoverable piece of data. The point that I leave you with is this; DO NOT TRUST THIS APP TO STORE YOUR DATA. If you are one of the many writers who made the unfortunate choice to entrust this app with your precious writings, I urge you to back up your work on another service, as any day, possibly next year, possibly this very evening, you may be stripped of it completely.
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Songwriter Pad™ Songwriting